It’s now the end of January and five episodes released, so I want to share a little bit of background on what happens and why. I also want to talk a bit about my process, which has changed drastically from my norm and perhaps get some feedback from you, the reader, if you’re willing to do so.

First, the back story:

I had this idea many years ago. Pre-pandemic times. It came out of this fascination with wanting to be a magician (when I grow up…) and began teaching myself a bit of card magic. I purchased a deck of cards modeled after S. W. Erdnase, a pseudonym for the writer of the most prolific book on card magic, The Expert at the Card Table. A book I also have purchased, among others. You could say he is the father of card magic, taking all that he’s learned and putting it down in a book complete with images and to this day I can think of no real (or practicing) card magician who doesn’t know his name.

Just a small bit of history about S. W. Erdnase and his pseudonym because I found it fascinating and it’s what led me to leap from simply teaching myself how to do basic card tricks to creating an entire world around the art. The name is believed to be made up because back when it was first written and published, the late 19th to early 20th century, books like this one was considered “obscene” and against the law!

Another thing that interested me was the lack of true identity. Not unlike Jack the Ripper, there are many rumors and possibilities to who S. W. Erdnase is, but it’s a mystery we may never know and that opens the door for me to jump to my own conclusions, however fanciful they may be.

Second, my story:

Delivered to you in episode form on a weekly basis, I intend to lay the foundation for a world where mystery is hidden around every corner and within every character we meet, from the smallest to the main. I chose to start with the quintessential “Sword in the Stone” character. Charisma has a dream to be bigger than her circumstances currently allow. Not unlike Arthur who is a squire that would love nothing more than to wear the armor, if not for his small size and lack of confidence, Charisma wants to be a magician. Only a few things stand in her way. Chief among them is the fact that she is a woman. Magicianary, a word I made up and will get into next month, is a man’s world. A place where women are just assistants. Nothing more. Another issue that falls dead (quite literally?) in her lap is the deck of cards. To be in possession of such an item is punishable by death according to the king and ruling family. Will she prevail and overcome a few bumps in the road to see her dream through to fruition? And will her best friend, Flossie, get to the bottom of the stranger who dropped dead on their doorstep? Along the way I introduce you to other character who are equally complex with their own story to tell. And don’t worry, I fully intend to tell them…well…sort of…

Third, my process:

I initially wrote over 50k words of this story back when I was in the thick of teaching myself card magic. I let my imagination run wild. And as great a story as I felt that was, I realized I am not the same person I was back when I wrote it. And so, I made the difficult decision to start again. I wanted to do a better job of incorporating mystery into my world and not leave it as just a fantasy story. This is more than a fantasy with knights and wizards. There are NO wizards here. And all of the magic that will be introduced is based on magicians, not witches casting spells. It’s all an illusion. Or is it?

All this to say, I am not working week-to-week. My new writing process is to write 400 – 500 words per day, Monday – Friday. Then I take the weekend to do any small edits before I schedule it to post. I also will work on the outline for the following week on the weekend. So, today I start work on episode five, which is outlined but not written. 

I’m still on the fence on whether or not this will end up being a genius idea on my part or a total disaster. I’ll work that out when the story is done. But seeing as I am on a tight schedule each week, there is little time for debating the decision.

Last, the future:

Along with the episodes that are all part of the serial, Sleight of Hand, there is also some other things I intend to release at certain strategic parts of the story. Our first “break” will come after 14 episodes are released, in April. At that time I have two shorter “stand-alone” pieces of fiction to share. The first is part 3 of my “A History” series where I give you a deeper look at Mrs. Pomroy and her family history as it relates to being the current caretaker of the colosseum.

Then other short story you will get is based on the two elderly women who are the traveling companions on the carriage ride with Charisma and Flossie to and from work. When you first meet them they are simply two snoring ladies with little time to waste entering into conversation on their way home from work in episode one. But there is much more to them that meets the eye and I will give you a glimpse into their long standing friendship in: The Private Lives of Hanna and Amelia (coming April 15th). You can see this and other updates on the Wondermere Index page.

Please do, share your thoughts on the last four episodes? I enjoy any criticisms you may have (positive or negative). Keep in mind you are getting the fully raw, rough, and unedited story, hot off the presses!

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