Substack Publication Name Prompts

Challenge accepted!

Challenge accepted!

In August I’ll be revisiting the Literary Tarot cards but because a suit is only 14 cards I wanted to do something else unique and different.

Before I get into the when let me discuss what my prompts will be and in order to do that I have to mention “the list.” If you haven’t heard about the list you must be living under a rock because I’ve mentioned it a bunch of times. But just to recap, the list is the most comprehensive directory of all fiction Substack writers. Currently, it boasts 280+ publications! Wow!

Recently, I decided to do a bit of auditing on the list because not every entry has all of the information. I curated the list myself so if I was unable to ascertain the answers to fill in each entry then it got labeled with an UNKNOWN instead. Here is the Note where I listed the facts I was able to pull together:

The piece of information I am zeroing in on are the “COMPLETE” entries. As of July 18th, that number is just over 80. It could change in the future and if you’re reading this and you’re one of the 200+ whose entry isn’t complete, maybe what I am about to do in the coming months might light a fire under you!


I will (at random) select ONE Substack Publication Name and use it as inspiration for a 100 Word Story. It could be you! You will be mentioned alongside the story as will your publication, of course!

So, two things:

  1. If you share your fiction on Substack but aren’t on the list, just leave me a comment and I’ll be sure to add you. Same goes for it you know of a fiction Substack that isn’t on the list. Mention them in the comments section!

  2. If you are on Substack writing about fiction or you write fiction just don’t share it on your Substack, not to worry! I am actively thinking of ways to involve you in the future both on the list and with my Publication Name stories as well.


I want to try and encourage all of us to have as fully complete a Substack as possible. I figure this is as fun a way as I can think of to get all of us to make the necessary improvements to our Substacks! And with any luck I will end up writing 200+ 100 Word Stories in the future!


Okay, I want to preface this by saying that even the 80+ that are currently “complete” on the list aren’t totally in the running. There are a few more criteria they need to pass before I’ll use their publication name to write a story.

  • About page must be visible and complete. Cannot be the default language.

  • Must have written at least one piece of fiction within one month from when I start writing these. (Don’t worry, this is going to happen four months in 2023)


When will I be writing these stories? I’m glad you asked…

August 15 – August 31 | 17 Stories

September 15 – September 30 | 16 Stories

November 15 – November 30 | 16 Stories

December 15 – December 31 | 17 Stories

As you can see this is only 66 days. I do intend on continuing to write these stories well into 2024. My hope is to write story for all 280+ fiction Substacks! But I need your help to do it!


Heck no! If you write fiction and share it on your Substack let me know in the comments and get yourself on the list! However, there is a deadline for the 1st of each month that I will be writing these stories. This will give me time to do the random drawing of Publication Names and prepare to write them in the last two weeks of each month.

For example: You can complete your entry on the list anytime from August 1st – August 31st but you would then not be eligible to have a story written till September. To be eligible you’ll want to complete your entry on the list NOW! Same goes to be eligible in December, then you’ll have till November 30th to get your Substack in order!

To get on the list or update your list entry if you’re already on it CLICK HERE.

To see the list CLICK HERE.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

Only one publication per person. If you have multiple “fiction” Substacks, only one of them will be eligible. When you are randomly selected I will reach out to you and you can decide, at that time, which one you want to be used.
You cannot opt out of having a story written about your publication name, but you CAN ask that your name and publication be removed from association with the story after it has been shared.

  1. Debs Stott Avatar
    Debs Stott

    All so exciting Erica. Cannot wait to read the stories. ✨
    Is there a way I can check my information and update it?
    The link you shared asks me to complete all the information again.

    1. Erica Drayton Avatar
      Erica Drayton

      if there is something specific you want to update and don’t want to use the form, you can just tell me here what you want updated and I will oblige 🙂

      1. Debs Stott Avatar
        Debs Stott

        Thanks! I wanted to check what I’d said and fill in gaps, so not sure if I know what to update.
        I shall leave it as it is, unless you can tell me if it’s 100% done?

  2. Josh Tatter Avatar
    Josh Tatter

    I went through and completed my information last week (or the week before), but The List™ hasn’t yet been updated to reflect that.

    1. Erica Drayton Avatar
      Erica Drayton

      Did you send the Google form? I’m only checking up on individual Substacks on the list a few times a year because there are so many.

      1. Josh Tatter Avatar
        Josh Tatter

        Yeah, I went to The Link™, and answered all the questions.

        1. Erica Drayton Avatar
          Erica Drayton

          Should be updated. So sorry for missing that.

  3. Vince Wetzel Avatar
    Vince Wetzel

    Very excited for you and this creative journey you’re about to embark. What a concept! Wish you look and will be watching for your posts.
    Good luck!

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