#Pentober52 – XV of LII

Are you up for the weekly challenge?

Are you up for the weekly challenge?

In 2024 let’s broaden our horizons with a weekly writing challenge that calls upon us all to write a story using the prompts below. Just a few guidelines otherwise it wouldn’t be a real challenge now would it:

  • More than 100 words but less than 200 words.

  • Must use the WORD of the WEEK in your story.

  • Must use at least 2 of the 3 prompts provided (person / place / thing).

  • OPTIONAL: Must use pen/pencil and paper!

Let’s become one with our scribbling handwriting and tell a great story!



Once you have a story, copy/paste it in the comments! I can’t wait to read what you come up with.


If you want an added challenge, write a story using the WotW, all 3 prompts, PLUS is exactly 200 words in length.

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