
Microfiction Weekend – Tracks to Nowhere…

Your Best 6, 50, and 100 Word Stories!

Your Best 6, 50, and 100 Word Stories!

3 responses to “Microfiction Weekend – Tracks to Nowhere…”

  1. Rolando Andrade Avatar
    Rolando Andrade

    “All she had to do was walk slowly, following the parallel iron lines that blurred with the horizon in the distance. She didn’t know where she was going, with her teddy bear, which she held tightly but affectionately, like a mother who fears losing her child.
    Lili has been wandering along the railway line for several hours. She’s cold.
    When Lili ran away hours before, afraid and alert, her childlike body froze. She decided to move on, not wanting the cold and hostile past she fled in the foster home to be the final destination of her journey. Keep going…”

  2. Ian Cameron Avatar
    Ian Cameron

    “I can feel it getting closer”

    1. Erica Drayton Avatar
      Erica Drayton

      That is good!

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