Free Writing Fridays

#008 Your 100 Word Story

#008 Your 100 Word Story

Fridays shouldn’t be stressful but the kick-off to a great weekend! Because structure is important, writing your own 100 Word Story is back on Free Writing Fridays!

Whether it’s the start of an adventure with a cliffhanger or a poem needing to be told, you can still just write whatever you desire.


  • Most Important: Word length is exactly 100 words. I recommend using Google Docs as a scratch pad and go to Tools → Word Count and check the “Display word count while typing”

  • Genre? Totally up to you. Share a mystery. Give us thrills, chills, and suspense. Or make us shed a tear.

  • Fiction or non-fiction applies here. This is your blank canvas.

  • Copy/paste your story in the comments section for others to read. If you post it in your own Substack (highly recommended and encouraged) just share the link in the comments.

  • A Note on Notes | If you use Substack Notes, click the 🔄 “Restack with a Note” and copy/paste your story as a Note.

  1. Alex Learmont Avatar
    Alex Learmont

    Death. I am the invisible weight in every soldier’s pack, the hidden coin in every pocket and purse. I am every journey’s unseen passenger, the silent echo in the corridors of the aged and the ill. I am the breath of sea that fills the sunken sailor’s heart, the air through which the fallen fall. Uninvited, I am always early. Yet judgement is not mine. I offer only the dark and endless void where nothing is but peace. Fear me not, for I am not the enemy – rather fear life, for it is the cruellest and most fearful test.

  2. Olivia St. Lewis Avatar
    Olivia St. Lewis

    There wasn’t much she could take with her. Money, of course – everyone needed that. The shirt on her back and the ripped jeans she’d had for eight months. Old sneakers with worn soles that squished in the rain. Headphones, MP3s. And of course, the hoodie. The one from the beginning, when she started running.
    She’d given up on a backpack – too noticeable. Then she cut her hair – shoulder-length was more forgettable. Dressed in drab colors, shuffled her feet, head down. Invisible, like every other teenager. Nameless. Just another kid headed home. If only she knew where home was this time…

  3. Michael P. Marpaung Avatar
    Michael P. Marpaung

    Title: “Nothing but Space Dust”

    We’ve done it. We explored the entire universe. All of it. The great cosmos had been conquered. Humanity had finally reached across the stars.

    And yet, we felt empty. Just like the vacuum of space.

    What did we find? Nothing but space dust.

    No other lifeforms out there. To this day, our Earth remained the only source of life. Even now, terraforming is still unreliable.

    What about the stars? Nothing. They’re just lights, man.

    The planets? Barren. To be expected, despite the fantasies of sci-fi writers.

    Black holes? If there are survivors, let me know.

    Is it all worth it?

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